BLACKPINK Jisoo’s Team Goes To Extreme Lengths To Get The Perfect Photo”

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Netizens reacted to a video showing the lengths gone to when trying to take the perfect photo of BLACKPINK‘s Jisoo.

367509624_603642958597058_587634BLACKPINK’s Jisoo | @sooyaaa__/Instagram

Jisoo is an ambassador for Cartier. A new video starring the idol along with GOT7’s Jackson, Paul Mescal, and Yara Shahidi was released.

[Video could not be displayed]

[Video could not be displayed]

Following the release of the campaign, Jisoo’s stylist shared some beautiful photos of the idol on Instagram. In the photos, Jisoo looked absolutely ethereal, with a white dress and simple jewelry combined with a beautiful and scenic background.

Snapinsta.app_434642158_1362444171116414_7564931816716134890_n_1080| @stylist_eel/Instagram Snapinsta.app_434537885_7297714050298036_4709754876580826285_n_1080| @stylist_eel/Instagram Snapinsta.app_434534525_758281846366744_4628156757784175463_n_1080 (1)| @stylist_eel/Instagram Snapinsta.app_434639598_286558754487392_4621126891527776268_n_1080| @stylist_eel/Instagram

Yet, it was the last slide that really made netizens laugh.

The photos themselves seemed to be taken by professional photographers hired by Cartier, but that doesn’t mean that Jisoo’s staff didn’t want their own photos of the idol. The post also hilariously showed that it’s not always as simple as one person just taking some photos and editing them to look a certain way.

In the video posted, there was a whole group of people on their phones taking multiple photos of Jisoo from different angles and moving around to get the perfect shot.

[Video could not be displayed]| @stylist_eel/Instagram [Video could not be displayed]| @stylist_eel/Instagram

When the videos were posted, netizens found it absolutely hilarious seeing the dedication that went into getting the perfect photo.



When the video was shared online, netizens also couldn’t stop LOL’ing at the dedication of Jisoo’s staff.

The staff were not going to waste any chance to get the perfect shot of Jisoo, no matter the lengths they had to go to. Hopefully, the people taking the photos don’t keep them hidden because Jisoo always looks beautiful in both professional and casual photos.


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