Bombshell Report Claims Ryu Jun Yeol Refused Han So Hee’s Request To Release Breakup Date With Hyeri

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Ryu Jun Yeol reportedly refused Han So Hee‘s request to reveal the exact date of his breakup with Hyeri.

8f7a165d-7b14-4be9-aa5c-fd9940a39cc5Ryu Jun Yeol (left) with Han So Hee (right) 122170919.2Hyeri (right) | DongA Ilbo

On March 29, Ilgan Sports released a bombshell report in which it claimed that Han So Hee had been disappointed with Ryu Jun Yeol after he refused to further help the actress clarify allegations surrounding their relationship.

According to the report, when Han So Hee first saw reports accusing Ryu Jun Yeol of leaving Hyeri for Han So Hee, the actress became very upset and confused. The report also confirms that Han So Hee believed that Ryu Jun Yeol’s relationship with Hyeri was completely over.

90993cd6-e758-4458-a41a-b40dc3cd9644Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol spotted together in Hawaii

The report also reveals that Han So Hee’s agency then asked Ryu Jun Yeol’s agency to release the exact date of the actor’s breakup with Hyeri, but Ryu Jun Yeol’s agency refused. Instead, the agency released a statement saying that Ryu Jun Yeol did not leave Hyeri for Han So Hee. Han So Hee reportedly became very disappointed with Ryu Jun Yeol over this, as she wrote in her explosive message to Hyeri.

I, too, am frustrated that a person directly involved in this is staying silent. This means that I might be writing this, having been fooled by his lies and that he did leave you for me. Because of this, please understand that what I am writing has nothing to do with my emotions and is only based on the facts and our respective agencies.

— Han So Hee

Meanwhile, Han So Hee unleashed an explosive post aimed at Hyeri before quickly deleting it. You can read it in the link below.

Han So Hee Lashes Out At Hyeri In Explosive Post




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