KARD’s BM Tells Fans He’s Going to Be Naked On Tour… And Has To Immediately Clarify

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About a week ago, KARD‘s BM announced his first solo tour, After the After Party, set to take place at six different locations in the U.S. throughout May 2024.

With tickets set to go on sale tomorrow, a lot of BM’s fans are excited to get the opportunity to attend what is sure to be a wild and fun show!

GESr5aVW4AA2yZVBM (KARD) | @_bigmatthewww/Twitter

And BM has been teasing the tour in the last couple of days too. He shared that the tickets will be on sale for as low as $35, which is a steal for a concert in this day and age.

He’s also said that he’ll be releasing a new EP for the tour as well, which adds to the excitement!

Recently, he also went on a livestream to talk to fans about the upcoming concerts. During the stream, he mentioned working out a lot in order to get buff and toned for the tour since he’ll be, as he quoted, “Naked on tour and sh*t”.

F_YK4eeaoAEU33Y| @_bigmatthewww/Twitter

Apparently this led to a strong reaction from viewers at the time, because BM quickly clarified that he’ll only be half naked, because being fully naked would be “a lawsuit”. You can watch the entire entertaining clip below.


PLS “that’s a lawsuit ????#bm #kard #kpopfyp

♬ original sound – minnytak

Here’s how people were reacting to the trending TikTok.







Who is going to attend what is sure to be a wild and crazy tour with BM??


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