Netizens Criticize Ryu Jun Yeol For Media Play After Claims That The Couple Was Already On The Rocks For A Year

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On March 21, 2024, Korean news outlet TV Daily reported that acquaintances of Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol stepped up to refute claims that Ryu Jun Yeol had led Hyeri on. It was previously claimed by Hyeri in her statement addressing the matter that although the pair officially broke up in November 2023, they had continued to stay in touch. As their relationship was 8 years long, they had agreed to continue talking about the relationship even after the breakup. Later on, she found out through the media that he had begun dating Han So Hee.

Last November, reports were published stating that my 8-year relationship was over. The decision to end our relationship wasn’t made quickly, and even after the articles were published, we spoke about further discussing our relationship. However, after that conversation, we have never spoken and have never seen each other. I think when I read the news (of his new relationship) 4 months later, I received the news as Lee Hyeri, the person rather than the actress.

— Hyeri

Netizens were critical of him for allegedly leading Hyeri on by agreeing to talk more on the relationship. Four months later, he confirmed his new relationship, leaving her blindsided. Acquaintances of the couple claimed that their relationship had allegedly been on the rocks for a long time and they had put off the actual breakup until November 2023. They also criticized Hyeri, claiming that she ought to have known better than to take it as a sign of hope.

Acquaintances Of Ryu Jun Yeol And Hyeri Refute Accusations Of “Leading Hyeri On” With Bombshell Revelation About Their Rocky Relationship

Following this, netizens have begun to crack down on Ryu Jun Yeol for “media play.” With the Korean news article concluding with a word of support for Ryu Jun Yeol, beseeching the public for turning a non-issue into an issue, netizens are not impressed.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 12.29.09 PMNetizens react. | theqoo
  • There wasn’t even a birthday party, so why are they so obsessed with the month of June? Just stop torturing Hyeri already.
  • Disgusting media play.
  • Who are these “acquaintances?” Why are they shooting their mouths off about other people’s private lives? If they leave things be, things will quieten down LOL.
  • I didn’t even give him a second thought LOL, but he’s such a terrible person. Hyeri, I’m cheering you on!
  • He’s pulling this move?
  • FR, what’s the big deal about June? What’s so important that it keeps getting brought up?
  • Why is he doing so much media play? People will forget, but he’s just reminding us of it again. Makes me support only Hyeri.

Others claim that Ryu Jun Yeol is famous for media play. Although he does not deliver his own personal statements, his company addresses matters for him through the media.


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