EXO’s Baekhyun Stuns With His Unageing Visuals

컨텐츠 정보



On March 16 and 17, EXO‘s Baekhyun kicked off his solo Asia tour Lonsdaleite with a two-day concert at the KSPO Dome in Seoul. The tour is set to take place through June, and includes stops in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and many other places.


This is his first tour with his new label, INB100, as well as his first-ever in-person solo concert since he debuted with EXO over a decade ago. He’s also the youngest male solo artist to hold a concert at the KSPO Dome! And he certainly didn’t disappoint, putting his powerful vocals to good use for his first tour stop.

But it wasn’t just his singing abilities that captivated his audience. Baekhyun also amazed fans with his seemingly unageing visuals, looking every bit as youthful and vibrant as he did when he first debuted!


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He went through a variety of outfits during the concerts, ranging from adorable to sexy and pretty much everything in between.

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The hard work and effort that Baekhyun has put into his music career for the past dozen or so years has really paid off, and he deserves every bit of the praise and admiration he’s received for his solo concerts!

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Here’s how netizens are reacting to Baekhyun’s recent appearance.








With both visuals and vocals, Baekhyun is really a K-Pop idol that has everything!


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