Then And Now: How BTS Jungkook’s Workout Routine Has Changed

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BTS‘s Jungkook is well-known to be a workout enthusiast. Over the years, he has done extensive physical training to obtain an enviable body and earned himself the nickname “muscle bunny” from his fans and the other BTS members.

weverse_4-273128029Jungkook | Weverse

ARMYs have occasionally gotten sneak peeks of Jungkook’s workout regime. A few years ago, he revealed some of his routine in BTS’s travel variety show, Bon Voyage, which became a trend of its own on social media.

He has also posted glimpses of his workout sessions on social media.

But in 2019, they got an extensive look at Jungkook’s gym routine through a full-length vlog. In all these past instances, the BTS maknae was seen to be focused more on weight training and toning exercises.

A few months ago, Jungkook held a live broadcast on Weverse where he spent nearly an hour working out on camera, and even then, his exercises were focused on weight training, including pull-ups, dumbbell flies, and bicep curls.

However, in a recent interview with Vogue Japan, Jungkook revealed that his training style has changed. His usual weight training-heavy regime has been replaced with a more cardio-focused routine.

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He explained that he does cardio for nearly 30 minutes, which helps him burn approximately 300 calories daily.

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Though he didn’t divulge further details, one of the predictable options would be boxing, a sport he is deeply interested in.

Or the more classic options like treadmill or elliptical.

Meanwhile, Jungkook is set to enlist in the military soon for his mandatory service, and in a recent live broadcast, he mentioned that his goal while in the military is to return buffed up than ever before!


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