IVE Jang Wonyoung’s “Slim And Long” Legs In New Unedited Photo Amazes Netizens

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IVE‘s Wonyoung is going viral once again for her incredible physique.

On November 8, the “Baddie” singer posted a new set of photos on Instagram that are quickly becoming the talk of the town.

In some photos, she posed in a little black dress…

Snapinsta.app_400176036_271891769156047_796694180004713386_n_1080| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

…and in others, she dressed in cute stripes and feathers.

Snapinsta.app_399944382_1526161174796916_8662642026169544873_n_1080| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

There is one photo in particular that amazed fans and non-fans alike. In the picture where she posed beside a plastic ice cream cone standee, they couldn’t help but express their awe at the length of her legs.

image (5)| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

As the camera was set straight when the photo was taken, it showed her full physique in all its glory. They commented that her legs are “Seriously so slim and long,” “She’s not an idol for nothing,” “Is she really human?” and “Is she a doll?”

One popular comment noted that her proportions are out of this world: “I feels like only her legs grew longer as she grew up…how is her waist so high up…how are her knees so high up?”

Snapinsta.app_399615723_363280726227110_4806854171225240432_n_1080| @for_everyoung10/Instagram

This is not the first time Wonyoung shocked people with her model-like body. Even in fan-taken photos, her legs look long and lithe.


Performance-taken photos also show off her just how long her limbs are.


Wonyoung officially stands at 173cm (5 ft. and 7 in.). She attributes her tall stature to the good habits she followed when she was a pre-teen.

image (7)| @for_everyoung10/Instagram


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