Jessi Has Plans For A Dating Show, And It May Air Sooner Than You Think

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As Jessi chatted with the Zach Sang Show team, the host expressed interest in seeing the rapper on a dating show. It turns out that Jessi already had an idea for one.

jessi @jessicah_oJessi | @jessicah_o/Instagram

Jessi revealed that she actually pitched a dating show to someone. She’d told them, “Yo, you should have a Jessi love show.

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She used American dating shows from the early 2000s as inspiration, like Flavor Flav‘s Flavor of Love, Tila Tequila‘s A Shot at Love, and Bret MichaelsRock of Love.

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The concept was perfect for Jessi because she has a big personality like the celebrities mentioned. The person who heard the pitch thought the same. Jessi shared their excited reaction, “They were like, ‘This is the best idea ever! This is going to do so well!’

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While some popular dating shows film upwards of two years in advance, fans may not have to wait that long. Jessi said, “Hopefully, next year. I don’t know.

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The rapper was still undecided on whether she genuinely wanted to do it. On one hand, Jessi didn’t want to “sell [herself] out” by making it seem like she needed a show to find a partner. On the other hand, she didn’t know if she had the time and energy to be fully hands-on with the show.

I’ve considered it, but I thought about how much time and effort I need to put into that show and how much actual work I need to do. I’m not the type to have executive producers do everything. I like to put all my input in.

— Jessi

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If Jessi decides to go through with the dating show, fans may not have to wait years to see it. Jessi of Love could air as early as next year if they release episodes as they film. See her talk about pitching the idea here.


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