Korean Soccer Star “Deletes Traces” Of BIGBANG’s G-Dragon On Instagram Following The Drug Scandal

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Amidst the drug allegations surrounding BIGBANG‘s G-Dragon, a photo he took with South Korean national football team player Lee Kang In in the past is gaining attention.

Snapinsta.app_309414833_1088634111776214_4664220196682595167_n_1080Lee Kang In | @kanginleeoficial/Instagram

In late July, Lee Kang In joined the preseason tour of Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) as part of the team. The first place he visited was Osaka, Japan, where he ran into G-Dragon. G-Dragon was at the event because of his collaboration with PSG; the uniforms PSG players wore that day were designed by G-Dragon’s fashion brand, Peace Minus One.

jG-Dragon posted a picture of Lee Kang In’s jersey on his Instagram. | @xxxibgdrgn/Instagram

Lee Kang In posted a photo he took with G-Dragon that day on his Instagram. The picture showed Lee Kang In holding up a jersey with his name. He also followed G-Dragon on Instagram.

362922569_18381579451024163_5995868693392092674_nG-Dragon (left) and Lee Kang In (right) | @psg/Instagram

However, as of October 27, there was no trace of G-Dragon on Lee Kang’s Instagram as he deleted the photo and unfollowed him. Some speculated that Lee Kang In did so due to the drug allegations.

PSG’s official Instagram account also uploaded a picture of the two of them in July, and the photo is still up.

The Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency’s narcotics crime investigation team announced on October 25 that G-Dragon had been booked for drug charges. The police suspected G-Dragon of illegally taking psychotropic drugs. However, on October 27, G-Dragon stated through his legal representative that the accusations were not true.



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