K-Netizens Opinions Divided On SF9 Rowoon’s Explanation For Leaving The Group

컨텐츠 정보



Recently, SF9‘s Rowoon attended the press conference for the upcoming KBS drama, The Matchmakers, in Seoul. In the drama, Rowoon plays the role of Shim Jeong Woo, a Confucian scholar. This is also his second comeback with a historical drama since 2019.

dddThe Matchmakers Official Poster | KBS

After leaving the group, he focused on acting with his strong will. Although he confessed that he was not confident in historical drams, he stated, “I had a strong desire to overcome my lack of condense. I am 27 years old this year and want to act for a long time. Whether or not I do well, I desire to be recognized later. Yes, I have to be scolded to gain recognition, and I’m trying to challenge myself and work harder at things I’m not confident in.”

He also explained the reason for leaving the group.

I’m sure some people will be disappointed. But it’s something I have to deal with, and I thought it would be a good stepping stone for growth if I made them understand, so I made a difficult choice.

Netizens were divided on his reason for leaving the group for acting.

ro3Netizen comments | Instiz ro2Netizen comments | Instiz roNetizen comments | Instiz
  • “I’m not a fan, so I don’t know the details, but I feel like it’s natural for fans to be disappointed.”
  • “I don’t know the details, but if it was going to end up like this, why did he renew his contract.”
  • “But did the reporters really have to talk about this during a drama press conference?”
  • “He suits being an actor.”
  • “Fans aren’t acting like this just because he left the group. He doesn’t understand the root of the problem.”
  • “How would he have any affection for the team when the fans are like this? He made the right choice…he suits being an actor more.”
  • “Was the team not important? I’m more disappointed that I supported you as part of the team. Give back my money and time. I can’t believe I supported you, watched your dramas, and voted for you.”

What’s your take on his explanation for leaving the group?


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