Rapper Jessi Suddenly Cancels All Broadcasting Appearances Sparking Concern And Speculation

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Rapper Jessi has reportedly canceled all of her broadcasting schedules.

Jessi_2017_(derived)Jessi | Pinterest

After previous reports stating that Jessi didn’t show up for rehearsals for KBS‘s Music Bank, as well as MBC‘s Music Core and SBS‘s Inkigayo, the rapper is said to have canceled all broadcasting appearances for the upcoming well.

Jessi’s label, More Vision,stated that Jessi’s missed appearances were due to health reasons.

We apologize for the sudden news, and we are doing our best for Jessi to recover her health.

— More Vision

According to reports, Jessi’s sudden cancelations have sparked concerns for the rapper. Reports state that fans have been asking, “Seeing how she is canceling on the day of the appearances, she must really not be good,” “Where is she sick?” and “Recently, she said her legs weren’t well. Is it because of this?”

Meanwhile, Jessi recently released her single “GUM.” You can check it out at the link below.


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