8 Handsome Male Idols Who Have The Most Heart-Fluttering ID Pictures

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ID pictures typically aren’t a person’s most photogenic pictures, but these male idols could make anything look good! With visuals as heart-fluttering as theirs, you may or may not make it through this list unscathed!

Check them out below!

1. Byungchan (VICTON)

Born in 1997, Byungchan is VICTON’s visual and vocalist.


2. Dongpyo

Former X1 member Dongpyo was the group’s dancer and vocalist.


3. Ong Seong Wu

Singer and actor One Seong Wu debuted as a member of Wanna One on August 7, 2017.


4. Kangmin (VERIVERY)

Kangmin is VERIVERY’s lead dancer, vocalist, rapper, and visual.


5. Kim Woo Seok (UP10TION)

UP10TION member Kim Woo Seok is the group’s vocalist and visual.


6. Demian

Demian debuted as a soloist under Sony Music Entertainment Korea with the single “Cassette”.


7. Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO)

Cha Eunwoo is a singer, actor, and model under the label Fantagio.


8. Jin (BTS)

Last but not the least, BTS’s Jin is the group’s visual, vocalist, and oldest member.


ID pictures have never looked this good!



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