Actress Han Hyo Joo Looks Unrecognizable After Her Dramatic Transformation For New K-Drama “Moving”

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Actress Han Hyo Joo has always wowed netizens with her unreal acting and dazzling visuals, but the star looks unrecognizable after her dramatic transformation for the new K-Drama Moving.

hhActress Han Hyo Joo | @hanhyojoo222/Instagram

Over the years, Han Hyo Joo has wowed netizens with her unreal acting in some of the top K-Dramas. In particular, the actress gained a lot of attention for her role in W, with Lee Jong SukHappiness, with Park Hyung Sik, and many more.

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Recently, Han Hyo Joo has gained attention after looking unrecognizable with a dramatic transformation in her latest role.

Based on a webtoon, the series follows three teenage high school students and their parents who discover their superpowers, starring Han Hyo Joo and Ryu Seung Ryong.

F3do85QasAAOHYdThe poster for “Moving” | Disney+

Ahead of the show’s premiere, Han Hyo Joo continued to shock netizens with her sexiness in photoshoots.

Yet, in the actual movie itself, Han Hyo Joo looks unrecognizable as she plays Lee Mi Hyeon, a wife and mother who opens a tonkatsu restaurant bit is also superhuman.

While netizens are used to Hyo Joo being glamorous as the main role, the actress has showcased her diversity with a much humbler look. In photos shared online, Han Hyo Joo looks completely different as she takes on the role of Mi Hyeon, with no makeup, glasses, and baggier clothing.




In the clips, Han Hyo Joo showcases that her image allows her to perfectly get into the role of a completely different character.

In particular, the recent episodes have broken the hearts of netizens watching as the actress showcases a vulnerable and emotional side to the character. Han Hyo Joo portrays the hardships of being a mother from when a child is young to growing up and wanting to explore the world.

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After the first episodes were posted, while some netizens couldn’t contain how different the actress looked, others focused on just how amazing Han Hyo Joo’s acting was, showcasing a completely different side to her.

Han Hyo Joo has always wowed netizens with her visuals and acting, but this time, she’s showcased a completely different side to herself.


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