Here’s 7 Foods That Are Banned From K-Pop Idol Trainees

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Fans are well aware of the rigorous training process that K-Pop idol trainees have to endure before making their official debut.


Out of all the wonderful food in the world, here’s a list of seven types of food that are banned from trainees as told by K-Pop idols themselves!


1. Chicken

We all know just how delicious a hot crispy piece of chicken can be! Red Velvet’s Seulgi remembers being scolded a lot for sneaking food. “I gave my manager a tough time back then because I kept eating food secretly. I love anything that’s oily and I remember ordering chicken secretly one time.”


2. Spicy rice cake

‘Tteokbboki’, otherwise known as spicy rice cake, is a favorite snack in Korea. AOA’s Chanmi remembers the time she didn’t pass her weight test because she ate spicy rice cake. “Before our monthly tests, we have to pass our weight test. I didn’t pass one time because I secretly ate spicy rice cake.”


3. Bread

We know just how bad carbs can be for someone who is trying to maintain a certain weight. Seolhyun remembers lying about eating bread during her trainee days. “We had to write down what we wrote during our weight test and I wrote cabbage and pumpkin instead of bread and snacks and got in trouble.”


4. Ice Cream

Sweets can be deadly for idol trainees who need to stay in shape. BTS’s RM remembers getting caught eating ice cream with V one time. “I was eating ice cream with V and bumped into someone from our company. I hid the ice cream in my pocket and ate it later. It’s a memory that I will never forget.”


5. Black bean noodles

One bowl of black bean noodles is around 800 kcal with a high percentage of fat. RM also remembers the time he golfed down a bowl of these noodles in a matter of minutes. “I acted like I needed to go to the bathroom and went to the restaurant and ate a bowl of noodles in just two bites.”


6. Pork Feet

A favorite among Koreans, this dish can go up to 700kcal in just one portion! TWICE’s Tzuyu remembers to what extent she had to go through to eat this snack. “I ordered pork feet with Momo and Sana and had it delivered through the window with a shoelace so that we wouldn’t get caught with the surveillance camera.”


7. Hamburger

Who doesn’t love a good hamburger? Oh My Girls’ YooA remembers having to hide while eating one. “One time I secretly went to a hamburger store to eat one when I saw an employee from our company. I ended up eating the hamburger in the bathroom stall.”


This goes to show just how much hard work and effort trainees go through in order to show an amazing performance for the fans!


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