BLACKPINK’s Jennie Shows Off Her Unreal Figure In New Calvin Klein Photos — Confidently Rocking The “Visible Underwear” Trend

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BLACKPINK‘s Jennie has rightly sent the internet into meltdown with her new Calvin Klein photos, confidently rocking the visible underwear trend in different ways.

361192997_120333801121808_6094497827094672475_nBLACKPINK’s Jennie | @jennierubyjane/Instagram

In the past few years, Jennie has showcased her growth and maturity in sexier looks. In particular, as an ambassador for Calvin Klein, Jennie has flaunted her beautiful figure and sent the internet into meltdown.


Jennie for Calvin Klein Campaign



On August 14, Calvin Klein decided to send BLINKs into meltdown again as they released new photos of the idol.

Jennie confidently rocked the controversial “visible underwear” look in the first photo, pairing low-rise jeans with Calvin Klein underwear.


If that wasn’t enough, the brand later released more photos of the idol wearing its iconic underwear and showcasing Jennie’s unreal figure. Whether it was paired with more classic pieces or alone to show off a sexier side to Jennie, the photos were truly mesmerizing.




Even in black and white photos posted later, Jennie channels the classic aura of a Calvin Klein model.



If that wasn’t enough to send BLINKs into meltdown, Calvin Klein then released a video with the idol. With a stunning cinematic theme, Jennie looked like a true Hollywood starlet with bright lights and classic Calvin Klein look.

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When all the photos and videos were posted, netizens rightly couldn’t get enough of Jennie, whether it was her visuals, her aura, or just how stunning she looked in the outfits.

As always, Jennie slays in everything she does and particularly showcases her badass AF confidence with everything she does and wears.


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