BLACKPINK’s Rosé Was Hurt At One Thing Lisa Did On The Plane…But It Was Just A Misunderstanding

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BLACKPINK‘s Lisa and Rosé have an undeniably close friendship. Back when they were still trainees, they’d spend their weekends together watching movies and going shopping.


It’s no wonder, therefore, that they’re as close as sisters! Like real sisters, they’re not afraid to open up to each other about past hurts and mistakes. This is exactly what happened in Episode 6 of BLACKPINK Diaries.

While on the plane headed for Malaysia, Rosé shared with Lisa the one moment when she felt hurt because of something the other did.

You were sleeping, so I slept as well. I considered having the partition up, but I didn’t mind and I went to sleep.

— Rosé

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The problem happened all because of the divider between the two seats on the plane. The main vocalist felt like Lisa was shutting her down and ignoring her.

But when I woke up, the partition was up! That made me feel bad. You blocked me out like that.

— Rosé

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It turned out to be a misunderstanding. In Lisa’s eyes, she put the barrier up to make her friend sleep better.

Really? I thought you’d be uncomfortable. I thought you’d want personal space. You fell asleep so I got it up for you.

— Lisa

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When Rosé clarified that she didn’t mind having the divider down even if she was asleep, Lisa could only apologize.

That made you feel bad? My bad…Now I won’t let you have it up!

— Lisa

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The two ended their conversation in peace. Friendship restored!


Check out the full video below!


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