BTS’s V Is Giving Out What Companies Pay Millions For — For Free

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Brands spend millions for a taste of BTS‘s star power, but sometimes…works for free?


Back in 2019, reporter Choi Jeong Ah revealed that, at the time, BTS made between 3 billion to 5 billion won ($2.59 to $4.31 million USD) per advertisement: the most in South Korea’s history. Given how much more popular the group has become in the past two years, their fees may have increased to reflect this.

If anything, that makes V’s free promo moments even more iconic! V went on a name-dropping streak during his latest live broadcast with Jimin and Jungkook. When asked for a TMI (too much information) V brought up Coca Cola and Fanta out of the blue.

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That was just the beginning! When V mentioned Baskin Robbins next, Jimin burst out laughing. This brand ambassador is anything but subtle!

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Throughout the 20-minute live, V seized every opportunity to advertise brands that BTS has represented. The highlight? When V used his injury as an excuse to promote FILA shoes. “I bought sneakers right away,” he said. “I called FILA right away.” 

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Just when it seemed like Jimin and Jungkook were going to let this name-dropping slide, Jimin blurted out a whole string of brands, including Louis Vuitton, FILA, and Samsung!

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Best brand ambassadors ever? We think so! Check out more from the broadcast here:

BTS’s Jimin Exposes Jungkook’s Hilarious Habit Of Crashing His Hotel Rooms


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