Second-Generation Idol Exposes How Terribly He Was Treated Early In His Career

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Although FTISLAND achieved success as FNC Entertainment‘s OG idol band, they weren’t always treated well. Remembering their early days, they shared some of the poor treatment they received, especially regarding their drummer Minhwan.

ftisland choi minhwan melonMinhwan | Melon

When Jaejoong asked the band about any sad moments that made them question their efforts, Minhwan recalled the numerous times people forgot to prepare a drum set for him. He shared one incident in particular that left them all heartbroken.

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Lee Hongki mentioned one of the band’s performances on Jeju Island when they weren’t given any drums or instruments to play. Because the organizers “didn’t know FTISLAND was a band,” Hongki had to sing along to the backing track instead.

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Minhwan remembered sitting on their bus and crying while watching them perform without him. He wasn’t the only one upset because they admitted they’d “cried together.” That wasn’t the end of their poor treatment.

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Hongki recalled another incident when Minhwan wasn’t provided with the correct drum chair. Instead of being able to move his arms freely to play the drums, he was given a regular chair with arms that prevented him from playing at all.

Drum chairs shouldn’t have arms on the sides. They brought us the one from a convenience store.

— Hongki

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Because Minhwan debuted when he was only fifteen, he couldn’t help crying in those situations. He said, “I was a teenager back then, so I was emotionally weak. I was so fragile.

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Since the release of FTISLAND’s fifth album, Hongki noticed they were no longer treated that way. However, it must’ve been extremely hurtful for Minhwan to be forgotten about and forced to watch his members perform without him. Listen to the band’s early struggles before their hard work paid off.


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