ARMYs Raise Concerns About The Safety Of Fans At SoFi Stadium During “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE”

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BTS recently reunited with ARMYs in LA for their first in-person concert since before the pandemic through their PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE concert. From the members’ cursing, Jin‘s cute hairstyles, and Jungkook being shirtless, there were many moments that fans couldn’t get enough of.

CaptureBTS after night two of their “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” concert | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

However, as much as fans have been praising the concert and how much they enjoyed it, a lot of criticism has been raised about the organization of the event from SoFi stadium.

On the first date on November 27 (PST), fans were filling the area surrounding the venue all day in the hopes of buying some merch and meeting friends before the show. In particular, there were a lot of photo spots to take cute selfies to get excited about the show.

Your browser does not support video.| @Kpop_Herald/ Twitter 

Yet, when it got closer to the show, fans shared stories of the disorganization and chaos that was happening near the entrance to the venue. In particular, as the crowd was only let in with less than an hour left until the show started, many shared that the staff was no longer checking tickets, bags, or vaccination cards.

One ARMY even shared a video saying that the staff at one gate was allowing everyone throughout without checking, as long as the fans weren’t pushing.

Some ARMYs inside the stadium even shared that they saw people in the VIP section who didn’t even have tickets to the show. Many had managed to get in through the crowds and avoid being checked.

With this happening, ARMYs shared that the concert had to start late.

After the first event, ARMYs shared that they had spoken to the management and security team at the event. The staff explained that they would have a meeting to discuss what had happened that evening and improve things.

On November 28 (PST), fans seemed to feel safer as they arrived at the venue, and there was more staff on hand to help fans and hand out bottles of water to those who had been queuing for merchandise all day.

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However, that same user shared that by 5:30 PM, the conditions had become as bad as the night before. The video seemed to show that as the crowds were increasing, there was no real organization from staff.

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After the horrors that took place during the ASTROWorld music festival, where many attendees were injured and eight killed due to the lack of control, it seemed like something this should’ve been avoided. Also, with the world still worrying about the pandemic, it seems as if more should’ve been done to prepare for what the venue knew would be an extremely busy event.

With two more nights left at the stadium, fans worldwide are hoping that the staff and venue have learned from its mistakes and will improve it for the upcoming shows.


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