Super Junior’s Heechul Couldn’t Stop Apologizing To Leeteuk When He Realized He Made A Huge Faux Pas

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JTBC Entertainment‘s Knowing Bros is a gold mine of classic and iconic moments between idols and their group members. From EXO revealing D.O. is savage AF to TWICE‘s Nayeon and Dahyun showing off their closeness with JYP, there’s very little you can’t learn from tuning in to the fun and funny program.

Dahyun & Nayeon Twice 181021 @twicetagram| @twicetagram/Instagram

Being the absolute gift that it is, a situation presented itself in the form of Super Junior‘s Leeteuk confronting member Heechul about something that had long been weighing on his mind.


During the segment, Leeteuk asked Heechul to come to talk to him, which led to great panic among the members, but no one was more panicked than Heechul himself!

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It was really no understatement to say everyone was really stressed out over what Leeteuk might say.

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Leeteuk shared that he was the host for Heechul’s sister’s wedding, which Heechul confirmed. He then said that Heechul had bought all of the Super Junior members in attendance a nice meal…

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… Before he eventually asked Heechul why he didn’t buy him a meal as well, despite being the host.

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Heechul was shocked and couldn’t believe he forgot to buy Leeteuk a meal. Meanwhile, everyone else was very entertained by the scene playing out before them.

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Deflecting the accusation, Heechul said that Leeteuk didn’t invite him to his older sister’s wedding, to which Leeteuk said… His sister isn’t married yet! (She just recently got married though!)

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After that truth bomb, Heechul had no choice but to hug it out good-naturedly with Leeteuk.

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Heechul was truly so mortified that he couldn’t stop apologizing to Leeteuk for the oversight.

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In the end, they were able to make up, which is probably a contributing factor as to why Super Junior has managed to maintain their enduring popularity over the years!


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