BTS’s Jungkook And V Went Wilding On Weverse, But Jin Just Wanted To Sleep

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Sleep? Who needs sleep when you have the Weverse app and millions of fans to entertain? In the very early hours of the morning, BTS‘s and Jungkook went on a posting spree!


“What are you doing not sleeping~~~?” A fan asked V. “I had a drink with my family,” he replied, with typos. Uh-oh. Drunk posting is against BTS’s rules, but who can remember rules at 5 AM?


Enter Jungkook, who hasn’t been on Weverse in forever. Like V, he was also wide awake and ready to play. Jungkook kicked off a word game where you create a word using the final letter of a previously given word. V played off Jungkook’s word, “ARMY” (ah-mi), with “haircut” (mih-yong).


Jungkook: Word chain game

Jungkook: ARMY

V: Haircut


Jungkook went V went back and forth like this, growing their word chain longer and longer with posts that kept ARMY’s notifications dinging. Jungkook also informed fans about the #1 thing that’s always on his mind: food. “Think of ramen with green onions chopped in it!” he wrote cutely. “These days I’m always hungry.” 


V couldn’t resist sharing a photo of Yeontan‘s haircut (and his wine glass!)


Speaking of photos, V also posted one that he is definitely not supposed to post! Sharing content is a big no-no, but he’s V. Rules don’t apply to him, do they? When a fan asked him to post a selfie from this shoot, he happily obliged.


“Did say they wanted me to post this” he wrote, with plenty of typos.


In addition to playing word games and breaking rules, V and Jungkook “sang” through text until Jungkook decided to post this surprise clip of a song his father likes!

The best part about this ridiculous (and possibly tipsy) saga might be Jin‘s entrance. At one point, Jin popped in to tell these non-artists to pipe down. He’s trying to sleep!


Go to sleep, Taehyung-ah, and stop ringing the notifications.

— Jin

No one’s entirely sure what brought on this Weverse invasion, but fans are loving every second of it!


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