New K-Drama “One Ordinary Day” Completely Puzzles Viewers With A Mystery Trailer: Who Do You See?

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On November 27 KST, the South Korean video streaming platform Coupang Play released its new original thriller K-Drama, One Ordinary Day. Featuring actors Kim Soo Hyun and Cha Seung Won, One Ordinary Day is actually a Korean take on the 2008 British television series Criminal Justice.

3A scene from BBC’s “Criminal Justice,” 2008. | iMDb

The first two of its eight episodes deemed One Ordinary Day to be a series worth watching. But it’s the final trailer, which had been released prior to the premiere, that caused the real buzz online!

2“One Ordinary Day” Poster | Coupang Play

The first few seconds of the said trailer captures a man staring into the mirror. Knowing the cast lineup, viewers know that this is Kim Soo Hyun…

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…except a lot of them can’t seem to recognize the face! The trailer has since sparked thousands of Koreans to comment who they see in the reflection.

Some saw Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha‘s second lead actor Lee Sang Yi

4Actor Lee Sang Yi | @leesangyi_/Instagram

…while others saw more sunbae actors like Lee Joon Gi, Cho Seung Woo, or Kim Nam Gil.

ipiccy_imageActors Lee Joon Gi (left), Cho Seung Woo (center), and Kim Nam Gil (right) | Star News & Instiz & OPUS Pictures


Some even found hints of Antenna‘s head producer Yoo Hee Yeol

9Yoo Hee Yeol | SBS


…and some saw the reflection exactly who it is: Kim Soo Hyun!



The scene highlighted in the trailer has not yet aired in an episode, though it is 200% Kim Soo Hyun in the reflection. Regardless, K-Drama fans remain confused-AF.

12Actor Kim Soo Hyun in “One Ordinary Day” | @coupangplay/Instagram

Who do you see?


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