TWICE’s Jeongyeon Worked A Surprising Job During Her Hiatus, And Nobody Recognized Her At Work

컨텐츠 정보


TWICE‘s Jeongyeon revealed that she worked a very surprising job during her hiatus!

jeongyeonieTWICE’s Jeongyeon | @twicetagram/Instagram

The TWICE members were recently interviewed by The Associated Press‘s Juwon Park. During the interview, they talked about their latest album, Formula of Love: O+T=<3, as well as how they feel about their growing global popularity.

twice with da albumTWICE | @RepublicRecords/Twitter

During the interview, Jeongyeon revealed that she had worked briefly during her hiatus, which surprised her fellow TWICE members.

jeongyeon scientist selfie| @twicetagram/Instagram

Jeongyeon said she had “briefly helped out a friend by working as a barista.” Although she was supposed to be resting during her hiatus, Jeongyeon simply couldn’t resist helping a friend in need!

awww jy| @yjyworld/Twitter

According to Jeongyeon, nobody had recognized her while she was working as a barista. She also said she didn’t play any TWICE songs at the café she was working at.

barista yeon| @appajeong/Twitter

ONCEs were very surprised to hear that Jeongyeon worked as a barista during her hiatus, but they loved hearing about how she sweetly helped out a friend!



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