Here’s What It Is Really Like To Be A Trainee At BIGHIT MUSIC, According To TXT

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TXT recently shared about their audition processes for BIGHIT MUSIC. It was not an easy decision to make, but it’s one that each one ultimately made and ultimately paid off for each one of them.

Screen Shot 2021-11-15 at 11.51.57 AM| HYBE LABELS

But what happens after you successfully pass the auditions and are now a trainee? Who better to hear from than TXT themselves?

batch_MIN_9445-copyFrom left: TXT’s Yeonjun, Taehyun, Beomgyu, Hueningkai, and Soobin.

TXT’s Yeonjun actually was nicknamed “LTB,” meaning “Legendary Trainee of BIGHIT.” According to Weverse, he was “always ranked first in the monthly evaluations during his time as a trainee.” 

I heard the reason why I won first place was because of my distinctive style. I believe the company puts great emphasis on each person’s uniqueness, aside from their dancing or singing skills.

— Yeonjun

HYBE T&D manager Shin Seonjeong is in charge of training artists. He revealed that it’s much more than just about being a good singer or dancer.

People usually assume being good at singing and dancing is what it takes to become a singer. However, BIGHIT MUSIC thinks highly of those who have their own thoughts about music and those who aspire to work with music.

— Shin Seonjeong

This is why BIGHIT MUSIC trainees take musicality classes ASAP once they sign their contract. It allows trainees to explore music in-depth as they discover their potential and become true music artists. BIGHIT MUSIC Edu Department’s Kim Jiyeon added, “It is hard for an artist to be creative if they just passively follow the curriculum as is.”

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Hueningkai indicated a genuine love for music is fundamental in having a successful career with the company. So, if you have that, you’re on the right track.

BIGHIT MUSIC allows artists to love and enjoy music with ease… I know it could be nerve-racking in many ways once you join the company, but I think the important thing is to just enjoy music. I think that way, you can have a good time here.

— Hueningkai

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Taehyun said that the BIGHIT MUSIC producers are always open to talking about music too. Even when he barely knew anyone, they were kind enough to answer his questions.

There are many producers in the company, and I was grateful that even the producers I barely knew kindly took their time to answer my questions … one of the best strengths of the company is constant communication with various musicians.

— Taehyun

A unique aspect of BIGHIT MUSIC is the trainee program. They actually allow trainees to make their own schedules and are allowed days off. And before Soobin was elected as TXT’s official leader, everyone took turns in the role of leader before ultimately making the decision.

Each of us took turns taking on the role of leader once a week, and afterwards the votes by the members and the company were combined, ultimately electing Soobin as the official leader of the group. I thought this process was clever and saw that the company really understood the importance of a leader.

— Hueningkai

81323044From left: Soobin, Hueningkai, Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Taehyun. | BIGHIT MUSIC

While there are many positives and it’s ultimately a rewarding experience, TXT emphasized that it’s a big decision to go into and that it’s certainly not easy. Taehyun, who still woke up early to go to school before the required practices and lessons for trainees, shared firsthand experience of the difficulties.

In fact, the trainee period can never be all that rosy… Let’s say I was given an hour, I was at a crossroads every moment, where I had to decide whether to dance, sing, do something else, or catch up on sleep.


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Soobin even thought about quitting when he was a trainee. But thanks to his company’s support, he stuck with it.

When I was a trainee, I couldn’t help but think I wasn’t good enough and was debating if I should quit. Every time that happened, the New Artist Development Team staff kept encouraging, comforting, and reassuring me. That’s how I got through those tough times.

— Soobin

unnamed-8Soobin | TXT/VLIVE

Beomgyu and Yeonjun agreed with Soobin. BIGHIT MUSIC truly cares about their artists. They see them as true music artists and people rather than money-makers. Yeonjun added, “I think the company genuinely respects us and works hard not just simply for the sake of making profit but for our lives and dreams.” 

BIGHIT MUSIC doesn’t spare any investments when it comes to fostering their trainees… The company recommended the choreographies that suit me and helped me figure out a way to bring out my individuality. That allowed me, as a trainee, to think about what kind of person I wanted to become after debuting in advance.

— Beomgyu

Your browser does not support video.Beomgyu (center) | HYBE LABELS

Read about their audition process below:

Here’s How To Succeed In Your BIGHIT MUSIC Audition, According To TXT

Watch TXT talk about their audition and trainee days below:


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