A Full Breakdown Of The Line Distributions For All 14 Songs On TWICE’s “Formula Of Love: O+T=

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TWICE has just released their third full-length studio album, Formula of Love: O+T=<3, with the title song “Scientist”! With fourteen songs on the album, there is plenty of time to allow each member to shine, and there are even three songs that star just three members each, respectively. Here’s a look at the break-down of how the lines are distributed for all of the songs on the album, as well as for the album as a whole.

1. “Scientist”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T132315.487

Most lines: Nayeon (19.1%)

2nd: Jihyo (17.1%)

3rd: Sana (11.6%)

4th: Chaeyoung (9.7%)

5th: JeongyeonMina (9.6%)

6th: Momo (8.3%)

7th: Tzuyu (7.7%)

8th: Dahyun (7.4%)

Difference between least & most lines: 11.7%

2. “Moonlight”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T133027.464

Most lines: Nayeon (21.2%)

2nd: Jihyo (15.8%)

3rd: Mina (12%)

4th: Sana (11.3%)

5th: Chaeyoung (11.1%)

6th: Dahyun (11%)

7th: Tzuyu (7.3%)

8th: Jeongyeon (6.8%)

9th: Momo (3.6%)

Difference between least & most lines: 17.6%

3. “Icon”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T133328.377

Most lines: Jihyo (19.2%)

2nd: Nayeon (19.1%)

3rd: Chaeyoung (17.7%)

4th: Momo (10.2%)

5th: Mina (7.7%)

6th: Jeongyeon (7.2%)

7th: Dahyun (6.5%)

8th: Sana & Tzuyu (6.2%)

Difference between least & most lines: 13%

4. “Cruel”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T133709.923

Most lines: Nayeon (14.6%)

2nd: Mina (13%)

3rd: Jihyo (12%)

4th: Tzuyu (11%)

5th: Jeongyeon (10.9%)

6th: Sana (10.8%)

7th: Chaeyoung (10.5%)

8th: Dahyun (9.4%)

9th: Momo (7.7%)

Difference between least & most lines: 6.9%

5. “Real You”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T134515.205

Most lines: Jihyo (19.2%)

2nd: Nayeon (13.9%)

3rd: Mina (13.2%)

4th: Jeongyeon (12.5%)

5th: Sana (10.6%)

6th: Chaeyoung (9.6%)

7th: Dahyun (8.8%)

8th: Tzuyu (7.1%)

9th: Momo (5.1%)

Difference between least & most lines: 14.1%

6. “F.I.L.A. (Fall in Love Again)”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T134834.098

Most lines: Jihyo (21.5%)

2nd: Nayeon (19.9%)

3rd: Momo (13.7%)

4th: Sana (10.6%)

5th: Jeongyeon (9.4%)

6th: Chaeyoung (8%)

7th: Mina (7.2%)

8th: Dahyun (6.1%)

9th: Tzuyu (3.7%)

Difference between least & most lines: 17.8%

7. “Last Waltz”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T135145.806

Most lines: Mina (15.7%)

2nd: Nayeon (15.2%)

3rd: Sana (14.7%)

4th: Tzuyu (14.2%)

5th: Jihyo (12.2%)

6th: Chaeyoung (10.7%)

7th: Jeongyeon (8.2%)

8th: Dahyun (5.7%)

9th: Momo (3.6%)

Difference between least & most lines: 12.1%

8. “Espresso”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T135443.550

Most lines: Nayeon (18.5%)

2nd: Jihyo (17.1%)

3rd: Jeongyeon (17%)

4th: Tzuyu (10.6%)

5th: Chaeyoung (10.3%)

6th: Dahyun (8.5%)

7th: Mina (7.2%)

8th: Momo (5.5%)

9th: Sana (5.2%)

Difference between least & most lines: 13.3%

9. “Rewind”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T135905.026

Most lines: Nayeon (21.4%)

2nd: Jihyo (15.2%)

3rd: Mina (14.6%)

4th: Sana (13.7%)

5th: Chaeyoung (7.4%)

6th: Momo (7.3%)

7th: Dahyun (6.9%)

8th: Jeongyeon & Tzuyu (6.7%)

Difference between least & most lines: 14.7%

10. “Cactus”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T140310.194

Most lines: Nayeon (20.8%)

2nd: Jeongyeon (17.4%)

3rd: Jihyo (12.6%)

4th: Sana (12.1%)

5th: Momo (10.3%)

6th: Tzuyu (9%)

7th: Mina (7.7%)

8th: Dahyun (5.8%)

9th: Chaeyoung (4.2%)

Difference between least & most lines: 16.6%

11. “Push & Pull”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T140431.732

Most lines: Jihyo (43.3%)

2nd: Sana (36.8%)

3rd: Dahyun (19.9%)

Difference between least & most lines: 23.4%

12. “Hello”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T140620.661

Most lines: Nayeon (43.2%)

2nd: Chaeyoung (32%)

3rd: Momo (24.8%)

Difference between least & most lines: 18.4%

13. “1, 3, 2”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T140800.031

Most lines: Mina (38.5%)

2nd: Jeongyeon (35.1%)

3rd: Tzuyu (26.4%)

Difference between least & most lines: 12.1%

14. “Candy”

meta-chart - 2021-11-12T141824.927

Most lines: Nayeon (26.6%)

2nd: Mina (15.4%)

3rd: Jihyo (13.1%)

4th: Dahyun (11%)

5th: Sana (10.5%)

6th: Jeongyeon (5.3%)

7th: Momo, Chaeyoung, & Tzuyu (4.2%)

Difference between least & most lines: 22.4%


meta-chart - 2021-11-12T144004.698

Most lines: Nayeon (18.1%)

2nd: Jihyo (15.6%)

3rd: Mina (11.6%)

4th: Sana (11%)

5th: Jeongyeon (10.4%)

6th: Chaeyoung (9.7%)

7th: Tzuyu (8.2%)

8th: Dahyun (7.6%)

9th: Momo (7.5%)

Difference between least & most lines: 10.6%


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