BTOB’s Minhyuk Looks So Similar To TXT’s Soobin That Even His Family Gets Them Mixed Up

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With so many good-looking idols in the world, there is no doubt that some of them will have similar features and be compared to each other. With almost ten years in the industry, BTOB‘s Minhyuk has felt the effects of this and has been compared to the likes of MAMAMOO‘s Moonbyul and ASTRO‘s Sanha.

Out of all of them, one idol has stood out the most after fans noticed his resemblance to Minhyuk, and it is TXT‘s Soobin. Over the years, fans have been treated to interactions and selfies by the duo, proving they could be the same person.

unnamed (4)BTOB’s Minhyuk (Left) & TXT’s Soobin (Right) | @TXT_members/Twitter

However, it seems as if fans aren’t the only ones who get the duo confused! Minhyuk recently sat down for an interview where he answered fans’ questions!

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In particular, one of the questions was looking at Minhyuk and his many lookalikes. After listing Moonbyul, Sanha, and Soobin, they asked “Who do you feel like you share the most resemblance with?

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As expected, Minhyuk chose Soobin and explained that he was the person who changed his mind about the idea of lookalikes, especially considering it was the first time those closest to him agreed.

TXT’s Soobin, I have to say… because, until Soobin, I didn’t really hear about the lookalikes from the people around me who know me. Soobin is the first person that even my friends admitted that I resemble.

— Minhyuk

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In particular, one person couldn’t get over the similarities, and it was Minhyuk’s own mom. In the interview, he explained that the similarities between the two were even clear to his family.

In fact, even my parents and my older brother said they get confused. And I was like, “What?! Mom, how?!” Anyway… Yes, I am very well aware that I look exactly like Soobin.

— Minhyuk

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Yet, as much as Minhyuk’s parents and those closest to him see the similarity, they are not the only ones. During a live broadcast, Soobin read the comments and saw one that said he looked a lot like Minhyuk. After seeing the comment, Soobin seemed very shook after looking at himself, adding, “We do look alike!

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Soobin then decided that maybe this resemblance could be used to his advantage and even had a proposed idea for April Fool’s Day.

On days like April Fool’s Day, if Minhyuk and I were to exchange selfies and post them pretending to be our own, would fans fall for it?

— Soobin

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Whether the prank goes through or not, it is hilarious to know that fans don’t have to worry about mixing them up when even Minhyuk’s mom does! You can read more about their iconic friendship below.

TXT’s Soobin And BTOB’s Minhyuk Finally Met In Person Again, And Fans Can’t Get Enough Of Their Interactions


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