DAY6’s Jae Announces That He Will Return To Streaming Almost A Year After Leaving Twitch

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DAY6‘s Jae (also known as eaJ) is living his best life right now, and we love to see it.

FDveqyEVIA472gdDAY6’s Jae | @sarahohta/Instagram

He recently traveled to his home state of California to participate in 88rising‘s Head In The Clouds 2021 (HITC) music festival. It’s his first live concert in 2 years!

He sang some of our favorite eaJ songs, as well as even a snippet of a DAY6 favorite.


JAE FROM DAY6 #eaj #day6 #hitc #fyp

♬ Dive with you (feat. eaJ) – Seori

We, of course, cannot forget when he became an honorary member of DPR. DPR LIVE introduced Jae as “DPR eaJ,” and they sang “Jam & Butterfly.”

unnamed-2DPR LIVE (left) and Jae (right) at HITC. | @dprlive/Instagram

He even got to perform live some of his collaborations with other artists. He joined Seori for their songs “Dive With You” and “It just is.”

Jae also finally met his long-distance bestie keshi, and they sang their song “pillows” together.

Throughout the weekend, he got to reunite with old friends…

…and new ones.

While we’re still in recovery from the fun-filled weekend, Jae has dropped some big and exciting news that we’ve all been waiting for. He’s going to come back to streaming!

A couple of weeks before Jae returned to California, he told fans during a live broadcast that he had found freedom “for the first time in ten years.” 

For the first time in my life, I get to be like real Jae. You know what I mean? So that’s like no more … PG, Disney Channel filter bulls*it, just like actual Jae, so I’m very, very excited and happy about that.

— Jae

FAgY14XVgAQQPcG| @eaJPark/Twitter

Since that live broadcast, MyDays (fans of DAY6) became suspicious that Jae officially left JYP Entertainment.


freedom looks so good on him mans is now covered in tattoos and is swearing every 3 seconds ???????????????? #eaj

♬ original sound – c

In the past, the company forced him to shut down his personal YouTube series JAESIX for seemingly no reason (the channel is technically still there but is used occasionally for posting his solo music as eaJ).

As recently as March, he was forced to end his Twitch channel following controversy over a dirty joke.

ecd2b4098104f99123d6e533eee2528b| eaJParkOfficial/Twitch

Perhaps the world is finally healing now. We were all pleasantly surprised when the official DAY6 tweeted a post out over the weekend supporting Jae’s participation in HITC, including Jae himself.

This would be one of the first times that the page posted about Jae’s solo projects. In the past, he’s even called the company out for not promoting his work, such as the DIVE Studios‘ podcast How Did I Get Here? that he hosted. Last year, he retweeted a post from the official DAY6 account, asking why they don’t share any of his solo projects as they do for other members.

This all is a positive plot twist, considering everything that’s happened recently. In October, Jae bared his soul during a tell-all live broadcast in which he talked about mistreatment in the idol industry, within the company, and more. You can read it below:

DAY6’s Jae Bares His Soul During Emotional Instagram Live—Fans Worried He’s Leaving JYPE, Here’s What Happened


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