These Are The TOP 10 Most-Streamed K-Pop Boy Group Albums EVER… That Aren’t By BTS

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While BTS has the majority of the top 30 most-streamed K-Pop albums on Spotify, there are plenty of other boy groups that have albums with hundreds of millions of streams on the app as well! The number of streams an album has can help determine how well it was received, especially if it was released years ago and continues to get regular listeners. Here are the 10 most-streamed albums by K-Pop boy groups that aren’t BTS, all of which have nearly 300 million streams or more!

10. Love Me Right by EXO

6 (18)

Release year: 2015

Number of songs: 14

Total streams: 290.0 million

Most-streamed song: “Call Me Baby” (105.5 million streams)

9. The War by EXO

4 (3)

Release year: 2017

Number of songs: 9

Total streams: 329.3 million

Most-streamed song: “Ko Ko Bop” (133.9 million streams)

8. Go Live by Stray Kids


Release year: 2020

Number of songs: 14

Total streams: 338.5 million

Most-streamed song: “God’s Menu” (137.1 million streams)

7. Return by iKON

7 (5)

Release year: 2018

Number of songs: 12

Total streams: 343.5 million

Most-streamed song: “Love Scenario” (234.1 million streams)

6. EX’ACT by EXO

3 (16)

Release year: 2016

Number of songs: 22

Total streams: 344.2 million

Most-streamed song: “Monster” (156.0 million streams)

5. NCT 2018 Empathy by NCT

10 (4)

Release year: 2018

Number of songs: 14

Total streams: 418.8 million

Most-streamed song: “Boss” (96.1 million streams)

4. Lotto by EXO

8 (16)

Release year: 2016

Number of songs: 26

Total streams: 430.8 million

Most-streamed song: “Monster” (156.0 million streams)

3. Love Shot by EXO

2 (2)

Release year: 2018

Number of songs: 15

Total streams: 445.5 million

Most-streamed song: “Love Shot” (189.3 million streams)

2. In Life by Stray Kids

13 (7)

Release year: 2020

Number of songs: 17

Total streams: 471.0 million

Most-streamed song: “God’s Menu” (137.1 million streams)


11 (12)

Release year: 2016

Number of songs: 11

Total streams: 652.0 million

Most-streamed song: “BANG BANG BANG” (159.4 million)


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