Kim Seon Ho To Remain On The Cast Of Movie “Sad Tropics”

컨텐츠 정보


Actor Kim Seon Ho will remain as part of the main cast of upcoming movie Sad Tropics following the allegations made against him of gaslighting and forced abortion.

According to an exclusive report from Star News, Kim Seon Ho will stay on the cast of the movie as a lead role after a lengthy series of discussions. The production team of the movie held off on confirming the removal of Kim Seon Ho from the cast due to the timing, as they are scheduled to film starting this month. Due to the timing, the team decided that there was no suitable alternative to replace Kim Seon Ho.

Sad Tropics considered other actors to replace Kim Seon Ho, but the actors they were considering either refused the role due to schedule conflicts or declined due to concerns over the issues that arose surrounding Kim Seon Ho. The production team also discussed whether to delay filming until 2022, but there were other concerns, such as the loss of production costs, set and equipment rentals, and the schedules of the other cast members not matching the timeframe.

In the end, Sad Tropics decided to push ahead with production with Kim Seon Ho, however they are also waiting to see if Kim Seon Ho is feeling well enough to act, given his current situation. They will confirm schedules with actors who were on the fence about the movie, and are now planning to start filming in December.

After much consideration, we have decided to proceed with filming starting this year with Kim Seon Ho.

— Sad Tropics


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