6 “SMTOWN Wonderland” Halloween Party Moments We’ll Never Forget

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With SM Entertainment‘s iconic Halloween party, SMTOWN Wonderland, set to return this year, let’s take a look back at some of the most memorable moments from past iterations of the event.

1. Yeri and Taeil being costume twins

At SMTOWN Wonderland 2017, something hilariously unfortunate happened to Red Velvet‘s Yeri and NCT‘s Taeil: both stars showed up wearing the same costume. While their bright yellow dresses had subtle differences you can spot if you look closely enough, it’s easy to tell that both Yeri and Taeil were dressed as Belle from The Beauty and the Beast. Thankfully, the pair took it in great stride and even snapped a photo together.

smtownwonderland_1NCT’s Taeil and Red Velvet’s Yeri | @smtown/Instagram

2. Key’s stand-in standee

One of the SM Entertainment artists who always goes hard for Halloween is SHINee‘s Key—but his SMTOWN Wonderland 2018 “appearance” has to be one of his most iconic moments. Or rather, his lack of appearance at the event was iconic. Key couldn’t make it to the party that year due to scheduling conflicts, but he wasn’t about to miss out on the chance to win the costume contest. So, in true Key fashion, he decided to dress up ahead of time, snap photos, and get a life-size cardboard cut out to send in his place.

smtownwonderland_2SHINee’s Key | @smtownglobal/Twitter

Needless to say, Key’s ingenuity did win him first place at the party that year.

3. Ronald McDonald vs. Colonel Sanders

Another of Key’s best costumes was his rendition of the McDonald’s mascot, Ronald McDonald. But, what made this look even better is that fellow SHINee member Onew came to SMTOWN Wonderland 2015 that year dressed as KFC‘s mascot, Colonel Sanders—complete with a bucket of chicken in tow.

smwonderland_3SHINee’s Key and Onew | @bumkeyk/Instagram

Naturally, the fast-food chains’ age-old rivalry kicked in when Key McDonald and Onew Sanders decided to fight each other on stage. While it’s hard to tell who won the fight, these two definitely won the most memorable moment that year.

4. JungJae’s adorable couple look

At SMTOWN Wonderland 2018, it was NCT‘s Jaehyun and Jungwoo who stole the show with a very well thought out and sweet couple look. Dressed as Jack and Rose, the well-known Titanic characters, these two idols brightened everyone’s day and looked gorgeous while doing so.

smtownwonderland_5NCT’s Jaehyun and Jungwoo | @smtownglobal/Twitter

Jaehyun and Jungwoo didn’t shy away from showing off their great chemistry too, making these couple costumes even better.

smtownwonderland_4| @NCTsmtown/Twitter

5. The Lee Soo Man selfies

While there’s a running joke among K-Pop fans that SM Entertainment founder Lee Soo Man only seems to have one photo…

smtownwonderland_6Lee Soo Man | SM Entertainment

… he’s actually been pictured in numerous selcas with artists at SMTOWN Wonderland. From this snap with BoA

smtownwonderland_7Lee Soo Man and BoA | @boakwon/Instagram

… to this pic with a whole cast of characters, there’s always a funny energy to the founder’s photos with his artists.

smtownwonderland_8Lee Soo Man, Red Velvet’s Yeri, Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon, EXO’s Chanyeol, and Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon | @smtown/Instagram

6. Red Velvet’s Pooh bears

Just months after their debut, Red Velvet arrived at SMTOWN Wonderland 2014 with an adorable group costume—all four members at the time were dressed in Winnie the Pooh onesies. While their outfits were already funny, they went on to make one of the group’s most iconic videos of all time (and it speaks for itself).


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