10 Recent Facts About ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo That All Fans Should Know

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ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo is stealing hearts all over the world with his acting, modeling, and singing abilities. Whether you’re a new or old fan, if you want to learn the most recent facts about him, check out what he said in his interview with Harper’s Bazaar below!

_0-7 screenshotASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo

1. His MBTI Type

Unlike most people, Cha Eunwoo insists that he has two personality types instead of one. His on-screen and off-screen personalities are quite different.

I actually have two types. As Lee Dong Min, ENTJ. As Cha Eunwoo, INFJ.

— Cha Eunwoo

199341136_472130630556419_7262160694851810863_n| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram 

2. His favorite hobby

Right now, Eunwoo loves “watching dramas, watching films” in his spare time.

eunwoo| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram 

3. His recent YouTube searches

Besides TV shows and movies, he’s also an avid sports fan. He enjoys supporting young athletes who are brimming with passion.

The thing I watch before I sleep? Recently FIBA. I like basketball and soccer. And here, young players are now playing U-19. There’s a full game video of that, and when you see that, you can feel some emotions such as liveliness and excitement.

— Cha Eunwoo

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4. His thoughts on changing phones

Cha Eunwoo tries to be a practical person when it comes to gadgets. Though he has the money to buy a new phone every time he wants, he holds back until the last moment.

I heard that the latest version was going to be released soon so I was going to wait for it, but the camera [of my phone] broke. I held on for a month. When the Face ID did not work, I just typed in the password instead. I tried to wait for the release but it was so uncomfortable. I just changed my phone. Well, the camera’s good now.

— Cha Eunwoo

eunwoo phoneEunwoo with his latest phone | @eunwo.o_c/Instagram 

5. His happiness

There are two simple things that make him smile: thoughts about his future and taking a break from his present work.

Things that make me happy? Imagining my future! [And going] back from work.

— Cha Eunwoo

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6. His collections

When it comes to collecting things, he was more active before the COVID-19 pandemic made travel difficult.

Now I can’t do it due to the pandemic, but when I travelled overseas, there were things like souvenirs, like the ones you stick on the fridge. I always bought and collected those stuff.

— Cha Eunwoo

7. His travel goals

Of all the countries in the world, Cha Eunwoo wants to visit the tropical paradise, Hawaii, the most.

I’ve never been to Hawaii. I want to visit Hawaii so bad.

— Cha Eunwoo

cosmin-serban-XVDJ5yEdSxo-unsplashHawaii | Cosmin Serban/Unsplash

8. His thoughts on mint chocolate

Mint chocolate is one of the most divisive food combinations, with some saying it tastes like toothpaste and others liking its freshness. Well, the ASTRO member is in the latter side!

You know, as long as it’s edible, [I like it].

— Cha Eunwoo

unnamed (1) | Anna Sulivan/Unsplash

9. His most recent fear

Sadly, one thing that makes him upset is thinking about his recent hair damage.

The reason I did short hair this time was because my hair got damaged. I felt fear for my choppy hair.

— Cha Eunwoo

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10. His desired hair color

And finally, he discussed the hair color he wants to try in the future—as soon as his strands get healthier, of course.

In the future, if I change my hair color, then I want to do white hair.

— Cha Eunwoo

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Check out the full video below to learn more about Cha Eunwoo.


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