Deleted Advertisements Of Kim Seon Ho Are Making A Return To The Public

컨텐츠 정보


The advertising industry is turning around and bringing back Kim Seon Ho’s advertisements. The mask brand, which featured Kim Seon Ho as the main model, posted an advertisement video with Kim Seon Ho on their official website. The website gained attention as the entire site was filled with Kim Seon Ho’s face. His advertisement making film was also posted on the official YouTube channel.

Previously, this was the same brand that changed all videos of Kim Seon Ho on their YouTube channel to private. The advertisement industry is very sensitive to consumer opinion and trends, and could damage their brand just by mentioning the real name of an exclusive model. According to the advertisement industry, Kim Seon Ho is currently the model for miimaDominos Pizza, 11st, nau, Canon Korea, and more. 

Previously, an anonymous Korean female shared a story online, accusing a rising star Actor K of causing irreversible trauma since the two started dating. Actor K, later known to be actor Kim Seon Ho, released an official apology online. Later, Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend, Choi Young Ah. 


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