“Running Man” Under Fire For Making The Cast Play A “Violent And Dangerous” Game

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The latest episode of Running Man has netizens criticizing the show’s game selection as well as its treatment of the cast.

Running_Man_(TV_series)Yang Se Chan, Haha, Kim Jong Kook, Jee Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Seok, Jeon So Min, and Song Ji Hyo. | SBS

In the 576th episode which aired on October 24, 2021, the cast played a game where they attempted to coat the other person in a blue-colored powder using pads in their hands.

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Though the objective of the game is only to place the powder, due to the speed of the game, some cast members’ movements caused them to hit their opponent’s face hard.

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Jung Jun Ha played against Kim Jong Kook, who’s known for his strength. While the comedian may have been exaggerating Kim’s strength for the sake of entertainment…

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he appeared to have tears in his eyes during the game.

52C5AECD-ED99-4600-9D88-F8E3EC99DCFD“It hurts a little…”

Even Kim looked surprised at the loud noise made each time the powder puff struck his opponent.

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Jeon So Min is another cast member that netizens were concerned about following the episode. Though she did her best to keep a smile on her face…

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…netizens believed the game was much too violent and they felt uncomfortable watching the episode.

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The Running Man production team is being criticized for their choice in games as well as potentially not caring about how the games may affect the cast. Some expressed that the crew should have made sure the pads would not pose any physical harm. Many said that using powder makes it dangerous by itself.

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Viewers of the show are also concerned about the potential influence this episode could have on its younger audiences. They are worried that kids may be inspired to play the “violent” game themselves.

Screenshot (84)| theqoo

  • “870. Not only is it violent, but also it is unhealthy with all that powder in their faces…”
  • “871. Don’t they realize that they have young viewers who will copy? It’s extremely dangerous to hit people in their faces though.”
  • “872. I watched this and I didn’t find it funny at all. It looked way too violent and dangerous. The cast who played the game also kept saying that it’s painful.”
  • “873. This is SO dangerous. Running Man has a huge fanbase that is young children. Is there a need to make them play such a violent game?”
  • “874. They could have easily gone with the arms or the back. Why the face…? [Getting hit in the face] feels super degrading too.”

This is not the first time that a Running Man game has been called out for going too far. Just last year, the cast and some idol guests played a game that involved wrapping rubberbands around their faces. Read about the controversy surrounding that episode below.

“Running Man” Under Heavy Fire For Making The Members And Idol Guests Play “A Recklessly Dangerous Game”


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