The Hilarious Reasons Why The Moms Of ITZY’s Ryujin And Lia Recently Scolded Them

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ITZY may be one of the biggest girl groups in the world, with numerous successful comebacks and millions of fans screaming their names…

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…but they’re also just normal children in normal families! When they made a guest appearance in Kim Young Chul’s PowerFM radio show, Ryujin and Lia revealed that they still get scolded by their moms.

ryujin liaRyujin (Left) and Lia (Right) Pre-Debut

In Ryujin’s case, she was reprimanded for her posture. Her mom always wants to see her sitting straight and proper—something many people can probably relate to!

My mom told me not to sit with my legs apart.

— Ryujin

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Lia, on the other hand, made a joke that her mom did not like. She apparently monitored one of her live broadcasts and thought that Lia’s words were too crass.

In a recent [broadcast], when someone asked, ‘Where are the members?’ I said, ‘In my tummy, I ate them all.’

— Lia

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Sure enough, upon thinking back, Lia did say those exact words! Her mom commented, “Lia, how come you said you ate all your members?” Her fear was that “it might be uncomfortable for some people.”

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Lia made sure to placate her mom by assuring her that it was a joke and her fans did not take her seriously.

I said, ‘Mom, no one thinks like that. It’s fun for kids these days!’

— Lia

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That’s family for you! To learn more about ITZY, be sure to check out the full interview below.


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