Here Are 6 Possible Spoilers For BTS’s Upcoming “PERMISSION TO DANCE” Concert, According To The Members

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When it comes to airing live broadcasts from BTS, nobody knows when they’re going to happen. On October 20 (KST), BTS went live ahead of their online concert “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE,” which was a treat for fans!

However, if that wasn’t good enough, the members also gave fans some spoilers about what they could expect from the concert.


Although they should be taken with a pinch of salt, there is no denying that the BTS members have been dubbed “Spoiler Kings” in the past! Here are six spoilers from BTS’s latest live broadcast ahead of their “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” concert.

1. I know it might seem obvious, but BTS can confirm that they will sing “Permission to Dance” at the “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” Concert.

2. It might have been a given considering the event, but V has confirmed that BTS will be at the concert!

3. However, there may or may not be some surprise guests from HYBE artists…

4. If V wasn’t talented enough, he is now putting his director hat back on for the concert for the VCR (pre-recorded videos)!

5. BTS really thinks that ARMYs are detectives because they love giving out extremely vague spoilers!

6. Could the stage be just as big as previous concerts? After Muster Sowoozoo, ARMYs can only hope that’s the case!


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