Here’s 50+ Behind-The-Scenes Photos Of The “Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha” Cast Everyone Should Get To See

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As much as it pains us to say, our beloved healing K-Drama from Netflix and tvN Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha has come to an end. To help you endure the post-drama depression, we have compiled some of the cutest behind-the-scenes photos from the cast, including Shin Min Ah, Kim Seon Ho, Lee Sang Yi, and more…

1. Even when cleaning, Shin Min Ah makes life her runway

2. Is it the sky we’re supposed to be looking at?

3. Our college crush

4. Those dimples!

5. Casual posing

6. Please, this cast is the cutest

7. Ms. Dentist

8. Seriously, this location is the most beautiful ever

9. Student Hye Jin

10. Anyone else desperately wants to go get an iced Americano from this café?

11. The signature pose

12. We love her so much


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