Aespa’s Giselle Recently Learned A New Fact About Herself, And Even She Was Surprised About It

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When it comes to K-Pop girls groups taking over, one has to be rookie girl group aespa! Despite only debuting last year, the dubbed “Monster Rookies” have showcased their skills, talent, and visuals with their songs, unique concepts, and charming personalities.

EnaqQU3W8AIDfhnThe members of aespa | @aespa_official/ Twitter

Considering how they are still fairly new to certain fans, it is always good when the members take time to reveal information about themselves. Aespa recently sat down with MTV News and each member shared something about them.

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Karina was the first member up and she shared just how much she loves writing. Next up was Winter who explained that, although aespa’s music is uptempo, she prefers to listen to more medium tempo songs, and that she hopes the group can produce more music like that in the future.

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When it came to Giselle, she also chose something music-related but it was definitely not what anyone was expected. In the interview, she explained, “I like things that are emo,” and the rest of her members couldn’t stop laughing.

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In particular, her explanation was definitely hilarious as it’s something that Giselle didn’t even realize was a thing for her, but was only noticed recently.

It’s not that I intend to, but it turns out that the music I listen to or the styles that I like kinda have that emo vibe. And yeah, I came to know that very recently and it was kind of surprising.

— Giselle

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When the interview was shared, fans couldn’t get enough of this new information and a clip online has already been watched over 100,000 times. In particular, fans were quoting songs from groups like My Chemical Romance, and how relatable she is with her music taste. Some even joked that it might be something that could influence the group’s next comeback.



For many music fans, going through an “emo” phase is a right of passage, and it looks like Giselle is going through it now! Who knows, fans might see a very different concept for the next aespa music video, one that is influenced by this new Giselle.

You can watch the whole video below.


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