Here’s How “Squid Game” Actress Jung Ho Yeon Became BFFs With BLACKPINK’s Jennie

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The world has definitely and rightly gone crazy for the new Netflix K-Drama Squid Game. Since it started airing, it has caught the attention of fans worldwide for its dark storyline and violent nature, carefully represented in the characters, setting, and dialogue. In particular, the cast has rocketed to fame with the show’s success.

One actress who has gone from a model to a global superstar is Jung Ho Yeon, known as Sae Byeok.

Jung-Ho-Yeon-Squid-GameJung Hoyeon in “Squid Game” | Netflix

In particular, fans have noticed that she has a special relationship with none other than BLACKPINK’s Jennie! The two have been friends for a long time, and in a recent interview with Teen Vogue, Ho Yeon spilled the tea on how they met.

unnamed (3)BLACKPINK’s Jennie and Jung Ho Yeon | @hoooooyeony/Instagram

Although Ho Yeon seems like a natural actress, she was actually a model before the series started and graced runways worldwide.

We first met at Paris Fashion Week. Jennie came to see the Chanel show, and I was on the runway. Jennie’s stylist knew us both, so we coincidentally came across and were introduced to each other, but I don’t really remember how it was when we first met back then.

— Jung Ho Yeon

Yet, it wasn’t until a trip to New York when Ho Yeon went to a BLACKPINK concert that their friendship blossomed. They started to hang out because of the similarity of age and career lifestyle, which cemented their friendship.

unnamed (5)| @hoooooyeony/Instagram

She also shared how supportive Jennie has been during the show’s filming and after it started to be aired. In particular, she spoke about the coffee truck Jennie sent to the set supporting her friend.

She has been fully supportive of my new acting career. She sent a coffee truck, and she was very happy for me when I first got the role. She also posted an Instagram story of Squid Game before it was officially released. I can’t really express how grateful I am to her.

— Jung Ho Yeon

unnamed (4)| @hoooooyeony/Instagram

It isn’t the first time Squid Game and BLACKPINK have collided. As well as Jennie’s name being shown in the show’s ending credits, some of the inspiration behind the props was influenced by BLACKPINK, and lead actor Lee Jung Jae is also a huge fan!

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/ YouTube 

There is no denying that they are literal friendship goals, and not to mention two people with stunning visuals and personalities. Hopefully, fans will continue to see more wholesome interactions between the two! You can read more about their friendship below.

BLACKPINK’s Jennie Is “A Literal Angel,” Says “Squid Game” Actress Jung Ho Yeon — Here’s Why


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