A Hawk-Eyed Netizen Points Out Several Errors In “Squid Game” That You Won’t Be Able To Unsee

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After watching Netflix‘s Squid Game, an anonymous netizen pointed out that there were several, and we mean several noticeable errors within the K-Drama. In the series, each participant received a green jumpsuit with a coordinating number on their clothing. The numbers were given in an effort to distinguish and organize all 456 participants that chose to partake in the survival competition.

squid gamePoster for “Squid Game” | Netflix

However, the anonymous netizen pointed out an ongoing error that Netflix made with the extras portraying the participants and the clothing numbers given to them. In this photo, there is a woman with the #061 on her jumpsuit…

061Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

…however, that did not match the original male contestant who was shown as participant #061. This error doesn’t happen just this once, as the netizen uploaded…

squid gameStill from “Squid Game” | Netflix

…this example of contestant #088, who is a female…

088Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

…who suddenly became an older male.

088 1Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

And contestant #321 who is very noticeably a male…

321Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

…who suddenly looked very female-like.

321 1Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

And #331, who started off as a male with no glasses…

331Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

…who somehow ended up as a woman with glasses.

331 1Still from “Squid Game” | Netflix

As if that weren’t enough, the hawk-eyed netizen also pointed out one specific scene that showcased the biography of a contestant. A duration of years was shown regarding the participant, but instead of 1987-2020, it read 1897-2020.

squid gameStill from “Squid Game” | Netflix

While we are widely impressed that the netizen was able to catch these mistakes, now that we see it, it’ll be hard to unsee these errors.

Be sure to watch Squid Game on Netflix to see what everyone is talking about, if you haven’t already.


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