BTS’s Jungkook Thought Being “Gen Z” Would Put Him At A Disadvantage, But It Couldn’t Have Been Further From The Truth

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It is no secret that BTS‘s Jungkook is mature and way beyond his years in the idol industry. Yet, there are some times when his fellow members and ARMYs seem to forget just how young he is! It is something that has been present in the latest episodes of Run BTS!


In episode 152 of Run BTS!, the members were given old theme tunes from children’s shows, and they had to guess the title from just the beginning of the track.

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To start, it seemed as if Jungkook’s age might work against him. When one of the theme tunes played, the other members struggled to get the answer, but Suga eventually guessed correctly with Kkboi Kkobi. As soon as he got the answer right, the other members remembered the show and got very excited. 

All of the members, except for Jungkook. Even after watching the clip, Jungkook was still confused, adding, “This is hard because I was so young.

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It didn’t seem to get any easier for Jungkook. Later in the episode, another track was played, and whereas most of the members appeared to have faint memories of it, the same couldn’t be said for the maknae. 

However, as the staff revealed it was released in 1996, Jungkook couldn’t hide his anger considering he wasn’t even born then!

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The other members tried to make excuses similar to Jungkook, adding that most of his members couldn’t speak at that time. Yet, it was still a more significant disadvantage for him as he said, “At least you knew how to speak. I was in my dad’s side, no, not even in my dad.”

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Yet, even though he was adamant that he wouldn’t know it, he surprised himself and the rest of the members by correctly guessing the correct answer the first time.

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In the end, despite his young age, Jungkook proved that he is a musical genius, along with being pitch-perfect. However, it isn’t the first time that age has played a factor for Jungkook. During episode 150, Jungkook’s “Gen Z” status meant that he was a pro at the slang game!

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All of the members seemed shocked that he knew it again until Jin and RM remembered that he was born in 1997 and had much more slang knowledge. It was one time where Jungkook used his youth to his advantage.

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It seems as if Jungkook can use his age to his advantage. However, even when he seems to be at a disadvantage, he’s proved that it doesn’t matter, and there is a reason he is called the “Golden maknae.”


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