BTS’s Jungkook, Jin, And RM Join The Other Side Of “Run BTS!” As Staff Members

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In episode 150 of Run BTS!, BTS went to Josun Palace Hotel for a “staycation.” The catch was instead of rooming with their members, as usual, they would each be assigned their own room and communicate with each other via Zoom. But, first, they had to compete in a series of games to win their assigned room.

Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 10.10.07 AMBTS in episode 150 of “Run BTS!” | BTS/VLIVE

Maknae Jungkook was the first to win a game of “guess the touch bells,” proving he has perfect pitch. His prize was the best suite in the hotel. While most of us would rush off to check it out, he wanted to watch the others play, joining the staff behind the scenes.

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Rather than just enjoy a VIP seat, he got to work. While we know Jungkook is a great cameraman, he is also a great director, so he became Assistant Director for this episode.

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Jungkook was a natural in the director’s seat. The role totally suited him.

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J-Hope was the next to win, obtaining the master’s suite. He joined Jungkook in going next to the staff rather than immediately to his room.

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While he got a taste of what it’s like on the other side, he realized immediately he preferred being a cast member rather than crew. While it was surely a memorable experience, Jungkook sided with J-Hope and ultimately returned to being cast over the crew.

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Afterward, the group was tested on their knowledge of capitals around the world. Leader RM proved his knowledge and won, winning the junior suite. Still, it wasn’t until Jin won a game of completing proverbs that he decided to move to the other side.

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Together, Jin and RM, collectively known as “NamJin,” joined the staff to see what it’s like to view Run BTS! from a staff POV. So, they assisted the director in reviewing the slang quiz questions for the remaining members.

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Soon, Jin took over the directing position. Yet, the job proved more difficult than he might have initially expected as the members shouted over each other to be selected first. Thankfully, the friends utilized a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to help them sort it out rather than Jin picking a side.

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Unlike Jungkook, J-Hope, and RM, who soon returned to their original positions as cast, Jin clearly enjoyed working with the staff on the show. It’s no surprise that his film major would enjoy working both in front of and behind the camera. Jin would make an excellent director for film and TV, especially with his acting experience!

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