The Story Of How TXT’s Beomgyu Ended Up Having A Parrot As A Pet

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In case you didn’t know, TXT‘s Beomgyu has a unique pet! He’s never been shy to share photos of his beloved parrot, Toto.

Toto is a Turquoise Fronted Amazon, a medium-sized parrot that can reach up to 37.5 cm (15 in.) in length. It is one of the most common amazon species that humans keep as pets.

toto3Toto | @TXT_members/Twitter

According to Beomgyu, he’s quite an independent animal: “We each live our own separate lives to our fullest.”

toto5| @TXT_members/Twitter

From the many times he’s showed off his pet on social media, it’s obvious that Beomgyu loves Toto. Many fans wondered about their beginnings as companions, and the TXT member resolved their questions during an interview with Weverse Magazine.

beomgyu weverseTXT’s Beomgyu

The story of how Toto came into his life actually started with a pet dog, not a parrot. When Beomgyu was around 10 years old, he had a puppy named June whom he and his brother loved.

I think it was about 10 years ago. After begging and begging, my brother and I were allowed to bring a puppy home on my mother’s birthday. Her birthday is on the second of June, so that’s what we named the puppy: June. Every time I came home from after-school classes, I would say, ‘I’m home!’ and petted him. He was adorable.

— Beomgyu

BeomgyuBeomgyu posing with a dog for their “CAT & DOG” concept photo | @BIGHIT_MUSIC/Twitter

Unfortunately, it soon became clear that a dog was too big of a responsibility for them at the time. Having to let go of June made Beomgyu cry for hours.

But maybe two days after we brought him home, my parents said we couldn’t keep him because we didn’t have the time to give him our full attention. I was so sad that I held June in my arms and cried for nearly eight hours.

— Beomgyu

After the sadness came brighter days. Though Beomgyu didn’t go into detail about where his family eventually “found” Toto, it was clear that he came at the perfect time.

We later found Toto and luckily my mother could take good care of him even when she was at home alone.

— Beomgyu

beomgyu and toto| @TXT_members/Twitter

It was definitely different from having a puppy! He may have started off a bit hesitant, but he soon warmed up to the talkative pet.

At first it felt a bit strange, but when Toto sat on my hand or shoulder, I became attached to him.

— Beomgyu

Toto naturally became a fixture in the Choi household, staying perched on Beomgyu’s shoulder while he blew out his birthday candles…

toto1Toto and Beomgyu Pre-Debut

…wandering around the house as he pleases…

toto computer| @TXT_members/Twitter

…and posing for the camera like the model his owner is!

toto3| @TXT_members/Twitter

They’re definitely a cute pairing!

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