Evidence Of WayV Lucas’ Alleged Gaslighting Dating Scandal Proven To Be Fabricated

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Things got heated on Twitter on the night of August 23, 2021, as WayV‘s Lucas became the target of an alleged dating scandal. The evidence from the exposé was quickly proven to be false as fans managed to find sources to disprove the alleged evidence of dating.

The exposer, @ooooshiiim on Twitter, created a long thread that detailed what Lucas had allegedly done.

I’m a fan that dated NCT and WayV’s Lucas, and I’m about to expose that he’s a Chinese man that is cheap. At first he expressed interest in me and got my number. We started dating like that but he asked to break up suddenly as he had it hard due to schedules so we broke up without any negative feelings. But that’s where the problems all started.

— @ooooshiiim


Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 11.04.47 PM

The fan claimed that after they broke up, Lucas would still ask to see her. He allegedly would visit her on his rest days at hotels or her house and asked her to pay for everything. She claimed during the time they were dating, he would ask her to pay for everything as well, including cigarettes, claiming he could not use his card as he would be caught as a celebrity.

Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 11.18.05 PMEvidence in the form of alleged chat logs were provided. | @ooooshiiiim/Twitter

She also claimed she would give him luxury items while he would send pictures of hotels he wanted to visit and ask her to book them. She also claimed that he said not to buy any gifts unless they were cars or houses, when he was starting to earn money as well.

He gaslit me saying there was no one else that was able to understand him… Everytime, he only came to the hotel, ate room service, slept and left. The moment we checked out, his contact cut off and he drew the line with me saying it was uncomfortable. Without a single thanks, he treated me paying as if it was a given.

— @ooooshiiim

However, the fan’s claims were backed up by evidence that fans quickly proved to be fabricated. Firstly, she presented a “voice chat” from Lucas that recited, “I just got out of the shower. I now have to go prepare.

Fans found that the “voice message” was pieced together from previous Bubble voice messages Lucas sent to fans. A fan provided the audio of one of the original Bubble voice messages.

SM Entertainment has yet to speak up on the matter.


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