MOAs, Be Careful About What You Post Online—TXT’s Yeonjun Reveals That His Mom Sees Everything

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Do you ever post something and then hope and pray that your parent or guardian never sees it? How about when you post something rather cheeky or thirsty? Well, not just your parent… What about your crush’s parents? Not even to mention your crush themselves!

MOAs know the struggle! A fan posted a GIF on Weverse of TXT‘s Yeonjun from their new music video for “LO$ER=LO♡ER,” and he was looking quite sexy (as usual). They added the popular fan-created acronym YIRS meaning “Yeonjun Is Really Seductive,” because, well, he is, which is quite obvious to tell from the GIF they selected.

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Then the least expected happened to them… Yeonjun himself commented on the post. That’s not all either. It turns out he knows the acronym and its meaning… Because of his mom!

 I know this because my mom told me about it.

— Yeonjun

Screenshot_20210818-100332_Weverse| Weverse

Isn’t this ‘Yeonjun Is Really Seductive?’

— Yeonjun

Screenshot_20210818-100332_Weverse| Weverse

While he laughed, he warned MOAs to be careful with what they post because not only does his company monitor everything… His mother does too.


— Yeonjun

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Yeah, my mom monitors a lot of my stuff… so everyone beware~

— Yeonjun

Screenshot_20210818-100321_Weverse| Weverse

Now it’s in your hands whether or not to take his advice… You’ve been fairly warned! ????✋


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