10+ Precious ARMY Reactions To BTS Jungkook’s “Still With You” Trending Worldwide Again One Year Later

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Despite the fact that it was released last June, Jungkook‘s “Still With You” has recently been making headlines all over the globe! Not only has the song gone viral on TikTok, with its hashtag #stillwithyou hitting more than 120 million views, but a popular Korean composer known as crazymusicj gave “Still With You” a raving review on YouTube!

ARMYs everywhere are excited to see Jungkook’s song get the recognition it deserves and have started to share their own thoughts on the matter.

So, let’s take a look at 10+ precious responses to Jungkook’s “Still With You” trending worldwide over one year later:

1. A lot of ARMYs believe it’s the perfect song to listen to while it’s raining outside

2. This ARMY relates it to a comforting cuddle

3. One ARMY feels like the song is always a source of encouragement

4. Another ARMY gets *really* in their feels when listening to it

5. This ARMY wants Jungkook to sing “Still With You” to her on a date! (Who could blame her?)

6. Many ARMYs just want the it to FINALLY get added to Spotify!

7. Some ARMYs wonder why they should pay for therapy when “Still With You” literally exists!

8. A creative ARMY has even begun to plan out a stage for Jungkook if he ever wanted to do a live performance!

9. A few more talented ARMYs have posted their own covers!

10. And these ARMYs believe “Still With You” is one of the best songs ever.

What do you think about Jungkook’s beautiful solo track?


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