BTS Hilariously Dragged Each Other When Asked If Anyone Had Ever Made A Mistake

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With so many songs and choreography to learn, sometimes it seems like a K-Pop idol’s mind must have infinite storage to remember it all! Yet, everyone can make mistakes and forget choreography when they get on stage.

In a recent interview with 102.7KIISFMBTS was asked whether any of the members had made a mistake when performing.  

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V was the first person who wanted to answer, and he started to explain that it was RM. But, before he could finish, Jin added, “Isn’t it Taehyung? Recently, V got the choreography wrong.”

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After V tried to point the finger at RM, BTS’s leader wasn’t going to let it go so easily. While doing a little robot dance, RM added, “V! Don’t try to put it on me.

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V then admitted it was him and Jin explained what had actually happened during that performance. With so many dances to memorize, it’s no surprise that mistakes happen.

We had to do multiple choreographies, so V got confused. He was supposed to be on the left, but he was on the right. So, he was moving to the left while dancing when he was supposed to stand still.

— Jin

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Yet, as expected, V added that he handled the mistake like a professional. Even if he did get something wrong, V definitely would’ve styled it out and made it look like it was part of the choreography.

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You can watch the whole video below.


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