Song Kang And Han So Hee Reveal Their Thoughts On Flirting Versus Friendship, But Netizens Think Their Off-Screen Chemistry Tells Another Story

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Since the series started to be shown, JTBC‘s K-Drama Nevertheless has gained attention for the show’s R-rated scenes, despite the low viewer ratings. In particular, fans noticed the chemistry between actors Song Kang and Han So Hee.

211290998_340799004116544_4767255046577783822_nHan So Hee and Song Kang | @jtbcdrama/ Instagram

The duo recently sat down with Netflix Korea and discussed whether some of their scenes were love, flirting, or nothing at all but answering as their characters. One of the questions looked at a scene where Song Kang’s character touched Han So Hee’s character when teaching her how to play darts.

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Both of them quickly decided that it was flirting, and Song Kang added that “He could’ve just told her what to do. But holding hands, definitely not.” Han So Hee seemed to agree, adding, “You can never do it to your friends.

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/ YouTube 

Despite their answers, some netizens in the comments seemed to think that the duo might be trying to tell fans something after seeing some behind-the-scenes footage from the series.

On the JTBC YouTube channel, they have been releasing videos showing the duo filming the scenes, and many fans have noticed that the duo seem to be quite intimate and touchy-feely throughout.

Your browser does not support video.| JTBC Drama/ YouTube 

Your browser does not support video.| JTBC Drama/ YouTube

Even while filming some of the more intimate scenes, when something went wrong, or the cameras weren’t on, fans noticed that the duo was still quite intimate.

Your browser does not support video.| JTBC Drama/ YouTube

Your browser does not support video.| JTBC Drama/ YouTube   

In the video comments, fans seemed to call Song Kang And Han So Hee out, thinking that their answer might be trying to say that their relationship is something more than friendship.

  • They both agreed that they can’t touch a friend like that for nothing. The behind-the-scenes show that they are very touchy with each other.
  • They said you can’t touch a friend or holding his hand like for nothing is flirting, so that means you guys in bts of the drama you was flirting all the time. ????????????
  • When Netflix purposefully chooses an ambiguous title, and han sohee/ song kang lowkey expose themselves throughout the video… Not that I’m complaining 

With their chemistry both on and off-screen, there is no denying that fans would love a real-life love story. You can watch the whole video below.


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