Korean Convenience Store Worker Goes Viral For Dancing To Jessi’s “Gum” In The Aisles

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This TikTok will be the best thing you see today!

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Fans of all kinds are loving Jessi’s new single “Gum” — and they’re not afraid to bust a move in public.

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TikToker and dancer @toshio0515 couldn’t help but do the song’s dance challenge while working at a convenience store.

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When no one was around, he took a crack at the challenge…

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…and he slayed!

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He did so well that Jessi reposted his TikTok, with the caption “How is everyone so creative ????????????❤❤❤❤”!

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Watch the full video below.


How is everyone so creative ????????????❤❤❤❤ @편돌_시오 ❤ #gumchallenge

♬ Gum – Jessi


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