TWICE Had A Cooking Disaster, And The Member’s Reactions Couldn’t Have Been More Different

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TWICE recently released the next episode of their reality show “TIME TO TWICE” TDOONG Forest EP.3, where the members continued to take time out to relax.

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For many, there is no better way to relax and have some time away from the hectic world than to eat some good food. In the first episode, Momo showcased her unique eating habits. This time, all the members continued to get food ready and actually cook something yummy to eat.

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While Jihyo and Chaeyoung tried to make some fried toast for the rest of the members, when Momo arrived to help, she noticed something was off about how it was being cooked. The fire suddenly became very intense, and they realized that the toast was getting burnt!

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Yet, as this chaos was going on, each of the members had very different reactions. As expected, Chaeyoung, Jihyo, and Momo found it hilarious and also panicked slightly after seeing the result of their hard work.

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On the other side of the yard, Nayeon seemed more confused about the noise than anything else. It seemed like some chaos while she was making fruit snacks with some of the other members.

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While the trio of Chaeyoung, Jihyo, and Momo continued to cause chaos while trying to find a solution to their burnt food, Tzuyu, Nayaeon, and Mina continued to enjoy themselves and relax by making some good food!

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Luckily, in the end, the members managed to salvage some of the food, and all the members could eat! Make sure to watch the entire episode below to see all the chaos!


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