K-Pop Idol Managers Comment On Their Salary And Just How Little They Get Paid

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All K-Pop idols have managers who help them get through their day. Waking up the singers, driving them to their schedules, and making sure they’re safe and sound are just some responsibilities that are part of their job.

bts managerManager Sejin and BTS’s Jin

Thus, the important question is: considering all that they do, how much do they get paid? Former managers Baek Kyung Jae from so-called “R Entertainment” and Nam Yoon Jae from “S Entertainment” spilled the tea about different aspects of their job.

ayo managerBaek Kyung Jae (Left) and Nam Yoon Jae (Right) | AYO/YouTube

When it comes to money, they revealed that they’re definitely underpaid. A netizen asked them, “Is $4,000 USD a lot for a managers salary? It’s low considering the work intensity and hourly rate.”

Your browser does not support video.SEVENTEEN’s manager wakes up early to prepare their food 

Baek Kyung Jae immediately agreed that for the work they do, they deserve to earn more. Nam Yoon Jae even commented that $4,000 USD is the amount that a general manager at a large company receives.

The younger manager expounded on the long journey that one must take in order to earn such a large salary.

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It’s not that you can never get $4,000 USD a month, but that’s a salary that you can get when you work for 10 to 15 years.

— Baek Kyung Jae

It’s a “director’s salary” that very few will ever be able to earn. Though the two did not disclose exactly how much they receive each month, they explained that they would never be able to live properly if the company card did not exist. Entertainment agencies sometimes cover expenses related to their work such as meals and emergency purchases—a huge help in their eyes.

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In my case, I was able to use the company card when needed and the company supported work expenses a lot, so I was never stressed and struggled because of money.

— Nam Yoon Jae

Baek Kyung Jae added that he can “take care of everything outside with a company card,” but without it, what he earns is not a living wage, let alone a fair one.

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For more information about a K-Pop manager’s job, check out the full video below.


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